Never Look Back

Walking down the Park Ave at 9:30 pm, hearing cars passing by, I thought of the “never look back” story again:

Persephone‘s heart was melted by Orpheus‘ music, so she allowed him to bring his dead wife Eurydice back from the dark cold underworld. Eurydice would follow him all the way to the end, but Orpheus should never look back until both of them reached the upper world. However, Orpheus forgot it. With too much anxiety and emotion, he looked back at his beloved wife once he walked out of the underworld. From that moment on, Eurydice vanished forever.

This is one lesson we learned about “Never Look Back” from ancient Greece, and it is one of the best lessons all the time.

I am glad I am not Orpheus. Life has already taught me that you will never move forward and become better if you are dragged by old memories.

PS: I had two cigarettes today damn..But it didn’t mean it is a bitter day.

And actually I received a sweet message in Arabic from another Arabic classmate, he wrote something beautiful on the back of my book. It was a delightful moment, and it makes me love life more.

Thank you to positive people around me, you make me stronger too.

Do you understand what does it mean? 😛
